Initially, bucket charging or per data usage via Globe Powersurf is only available for Postpaid subscribers.
I’ve been using Powersurf (ranging from 15/30/50) for my mobile internet needs as its more flexible than the regular P5 / 15mins charging when you are not registered to any data promos. Today is different though because after registering for powersurf 15, I receive the message displayed on the side
2. You will receive a message asking if you want to go Time based or Data usage based

3. Text TIME15, TIME30 or TIME50 to 8888 if you want to avail the time based powersurf
4. or Text MB15, MB30 or MB50 to 8888 if you want to avail the per MB charging.

Own test update : I'm almost done with my 3 days subscription and guess what, I still have 66.7MB of data available for use. I was only able to use up 43.3% of the 100mb alloted , and my activities includes facebook, twitter, instant messaging, occassional browsing (blogs and forums), download of some apps, navigation using Gravity app, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Nokia Drive, Ovi Store.
I’ve been using Powersurf (ranging from 15/30/50) for my mobile internet needs as its more flexible than the regular P5 / 15mins charging when you are not registered to any data promos. Today is different though because after registering for powersurf 15, I receive the message displayed on the side
To continue your registration to POWERSURF<15/30/50>, text TIME <15/30/50) to 8888for <1/3/5> hours of mobile internet consumed per minuted OR text MB<15/30/50> to 8888 for <20/50/100>MB of mobile internet consumed per KB. Valid for <1/1/3> days upon successful first, I thought that my subscription to mobile internet go back to KB charging which is damn expensive before but after careful reading, I realize that even though its per KB in charging, its still cheap because of the 20,50 or 100 mb cap. Perfect for twitter, facebook or Instant messaging on the go. I can now go online 24/7 on my phone while paying only P500 every 30 days (P50 pesos every 3 days) with a total of 1000mb or 1gb of data usage.
for MB100 with 100mb of data usage for P50, P0.0005/KB is the charging.
Note that 1 MB is equal to 1,024 KB. With PowerSurf 99, you can enjoy 1,250 Google Searches or 25 one-minute videos. You may check the data calculator at for more info on MB/KB usage. Data calculator is available beginning August 30, 2011.
To Register
1. Text POWERSURF15 , POWERSURF30 or POWERSURF50 or POWERSURF to 88882. You will receive a message asking if you want to go Time based or Data usage based
3. Text TIME15, TIME30 or TIME50 to 8888 if you want to avail the time based powersurf
4. or Text MB15, MB30 or MB50 to 8888 if you want to avail the per MB charging.
Own test update : I'm almost done with my 3 days subscription and guess what, I still have 66.7MB of data available for use. I was only able to use up 43.3% of the 100mb alloted , and my activities includes facebook, twitter, instant messaging, occassional browsing (blogs and forums), download of some apps, navigation using Gravity app, Opera Mini, Opera Mobile, Nokia Drive, Ovi Store.