Installous as claimed ,by hackulo.us , is the first mobile installation client to support bittorrent technology. It was not specified if theyre talking about iphone only or the whole mobile ecosystem. That said, im pretty sure i have use an app before from sumbian that lets me download a file via bittorent (months ago).
Installous 5 uses magnet link, i wont dwell too much on that since i know little about it , but the way i understand it is that the .torrent files or the files that describes the file-to-be-downloaded is not hosted on a central server, not needing trackers of some sort like isohunt, piratebay etc. another advantage of having this bittorent thingy is the ability to pause and reume downloads. A feature not available on the file hosts (which are very irritating to use, full of ads, waiting time ans captcha).
Head over to cydia and update or download your installous.
And this post is published via blogger app for iphone. Yeah!