Sync problems with windows phone and people hub on

I already fixed my problem with syncing the contacts i have on my windows phone (nokia lumia 1020) to the people hub on microsoft cloud (, but it is now without a lot of trial and error ams frustrations.

These are the things i tried that didnt worked :
- reset the phone to enter the microsoft account again , this should automatically sync changes even though no contacts checkbox is shown on the sync options
- add the same account (email addreas) as another outlook or hotmail mailbox , there by showing the contacts checkbox. This works but the problem is the contacts appear twice on the people hub. You can filter contacts anyway so if this works for you then it should be alright

And this is what works for my requirements of having clean , cluttered free list and syncing without problem. Meaning changes i made on the contacts of the phone gets applied on the people hub on the cloud and changes i make on the people hub on cloud gets automatically synced to my phone :
- remove the association of facebook, twitter and other social accounts on your microsoft account. Delete the twitter , facebook and other accounts on your windows phone. Only microsoft account is available. Make changes on phone and on people hub. Make sure that changes get synced. Now associate you microsoft account to all of your social networks on account settings of (ms cloud). Then add the same social accounts on your windows phone. You can now link the contacts on the phone and's people hub and changes are applied to both.

Note: Do not do so much changes on the people hub of both the phone and or the activity might be tagged as spam by microsoft. Happened to me so i have to use the people hub for few more days before i can sync changes again. Verifyng phone or email address wont fix this limitation. I tried that ad didnt work.

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