Philippines , from texting capital to mobile banking capital ?

Gartner said that unlike in developing countries, payment schemes using cell phones have been accepted here, especially in rural areas in lieu of using cash or credit cards, with the latter remaining largely underutilized. They attributed the success of the Philippine model to the decision of local carriers to adapt their strategies to local market requirements and conditions, instead of making the market adapt to them. 
If this is true, I wonder why I don't know at least one person I personally knew that uses mobile payments being offered by local carriers. Well, ive been seeing or hearing commercials about GCash or Smart money but I never tried them, nor have I known any one friend that uses them (disclaimer: that I'm aware of).

Accurate or not I guess that point here is that the use of mobile phones as payment option is becoming more popular and I hope that this thing pushes through quicker. This will be a great help in e-commerce because it will be easier for Filipinos to purchase goods online or distant transactions. I believe mobile payment is far safer to use than credit cards. Plus its easier to avail (no more registration and background investigations) and replenish the credits since you can get loads or credits anywhere.

From Manila Times

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